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Monsenyor Gibert School is a state school located in Sant Fruitós de Bages, in the Bages region, in the centre of Catalonia. This is a Catalan school which wants to promote the Catalan culture promoting positive affection, relationships and cooperation  among the kids.


The school offers pre-school education and elementary education, organized into two lines, having 1st grade class A and 1st grade class B.

In total we can see eighteen tutors.

In the human team, they have the teachers (tutors), specialists (English, music, physical education and special education) and support teachers (specialist in hearing and language- MALL, mestre d’audició i llenguatge- and the guardian -vetllador-). Also the school relies on the janitors and the cleaning staff.

They also offer lunch, that’s why they also have dining room assistants.


The school has different projects and plans as follows:

  • The travelling suitcase→ promote reading among students

  • The vegetable patch

  • The Reading plan→ improve and develop reading competences and skills

  • Music Innovation Project

  • The school radio→ easy the oral expression and skills

  • Reading sponsors → exchange between the older students and young students where the olders help the youngests to read.


Moreover, the school also offers different extracurricular activities like theater, modern dance, scratch, English and judo.


In general the school offers a traditional methodology where they work through books and the materials the book offers. It is true that the teacher can provide extra materials and supports if needed. They are starting to use few hours to work with “projects” in science and history.

In contrast, we can see the English subject which is taught through a different material which allows the students to develop their skills and competences. It’s “methodology” combines different competences and uses different supports and materials to help students acquire and expand the knowledge. It is done through the Koalatext.

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